5 Ways to be More Productive

Procrastination is like a virus; easy to catch but hard to get rid of. You make a list of excuses and go from one to another. But once you’ve broken that bad habit and broken out of your shell, you’ll discover that being productive is one of the best feelings in the world.

1. Tackle the hardest tasks when you’re at your most productive
Most of us are more productive early in the day before noon which is why you should pick a big task and tackle it early in the morning. You’ll breathe a sigh of relief once they’re out of your way. This gives you the opportunity to leave the easier tasks for later in the day when you’re more likely to feel more relaxed. However, some people find they’re more productive after their lunch break, so play on your strengths and plan your day accordingly.

2. Stay away from social media
When you enter the realm of social media, it’s like falling into an abyss – you can’t escape. It’s captivating, endless and time-consuming. And exhausting. Rarely has anyone ever gotten off Facebook and felt recharged and ready to get back to work. In fact, most of us feel like we need time to unwind and relax after reading all those mind-numbing posts and comments.

3. Establish a routine
If you wake up late and have to rush through everything, you’ll probably feel like the day is going to go from bad to worse. But if you have a routine set up, starting from when you wake up, what you’re going to wear, what you’re going to eat, when you go to bed – then that eliminates that feeling of despair.

Start with little things in your day, like planning your meals for the day or week even, and it becomes easier to get more things done throughout the day because you’ll know exactly what’s coming next. And the more you repeat it, the easier it becomes. Add to that 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep and regular exercise which are both great productivity boosters.

Planning your day can either be by the hour or by prioritizing the things you have to get done during the day. It keeps you on track by moving from one goal to the next. You can also plan your entire week on Monday morning, just allow yourself some leeway to deal with situations that may pop up spontaneously.

4. Take small breaks
It may sound counterintuitive, but taking a break can actually help you re-focus. Your brain is wired to work in 60 minute increments, longer than that and your concentration lags. Taking a break means you re-energize your brain, giving it the downtime it needs, even if it’s only for 10 or 15 minutes, then coming back to the task with fresh eyes.

5. Limit multitasking
You may think you’re getting many things done at once, but the truth is none of it is getting your full attention so nothing is actually being accomplished as it should be. Things like constantly checking your email, going from one task to another without finishing either, answering phone calls – all these things force your brain to take some time – experts agree that it’s close to 15 minutes – to readjust to the new task. This means you lose brain power, and anything you’ve been focusing on goes down the drain.

A final note
Now while it may seem difficult to implement all 5 tips at the same time, start with the one that seems easiest to you. After that, try another one. Once you’ve felt how great productivity is, you’ll feel excited about trying other ways to help increase productivity and boost energy.

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