How Involved Should Your Partner Be In Your Finances?

So yesterday’s topic was apparently so amazing. Did not expect the reaction and feedback that I got! But thank you, guys! So today by popular demand, since I got so many requests for this. Let’s do a part two, lovers and finances…

How Involved Should Your Partner Be In Your Finances?

While we live in an age of hookups, pickups, knock ups and well knockdowns, as replacements to genuine, authentic love and relationships. It is wise to be aware and careful than ever before, or as the pop colloquialism suggests, “stay woke!” We are going to do this Maury style when he does the lie detector portion of his show. Let’s get started…

The truth is when it comes to partners, lovers and well friends with benefits (you’ve gotta throw that one into the mix nowadays… you know the kid’s “Uncle Tom” or “Uncle Ty”)… there is no set rule or set of rules. However, somethings aught to be second nature, plain old common sense. Such as:

1. When it comes to your EBT card or Food Stamps card as it is commonly called. You do not give it to your “friend,” a dude you just met, or any man really unless he is the one doing the shopping for the house at that time. Or he as some kind of temporary emergency. You do not just give it away because you don’t pay for it is not free money. It is tax payer’s hard earned money that the government reallocated to you, to help you out. So yes it is a part of your finances to raise, improve and maintain the quality of life for you and your kids/family.

2. When it comes to your bank cards, debit, credit; your checkbooks or account information. Unless he or she is your husband, wife or long term partner. Your information meaning pins, and so forth; more so the actual cards etc your yours and yours only.

3. When it comes to planning your budget. Knowing your earnings, other income or benefit sources that directly correlate with your finances. Again not in a 2 month or less relationship period! Are you planning a life together? Do you live together and are pooling together resources? Ask yourself, why does he or she need to know that. See fellas that’s why you get stuck buying them bundles. And ladies you can’t get him out of your house.

4. Joint accounts are for married people and long term relationships period. Really, I say married. But that’s debatable. You do not want to wake up one day to an empty account, being that nowadays people are becoming more and more creative with ways to scam and get over on others.

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