Two Jobs vs. A Job & A Business

Do you ever find yourself having to make the daunting decision between two jobs or a job and a business?

There maybe several reasons why such a predicament has to take place.

1. You may have recently been laid off
2. You may have lost some of your regular work hours
3. Your bills and/or expenditure, might be more than your income
4. Or maybe you are just looking to increase your finances

Whatever the reason is, the fact remains that you need more money.

As pertains to this important, life altering decision… Maybe I can help!

Things to consider:

1. Time: Both require time commitment. However, the time for a second job is often set with no flexibility. The bigger factor being that time investment in a job, is the same yeilding the same. However, time investment in a business is time in, profit out leaving room for growth and advancement or expansion, which would entirely depend on your field or niche. Intial time invested in what is often called the hustle stage or start up, has a trade off of mastering your time or being in control of your hours and schedule in the other stages.

2. Money: There’s an unspoken calculation that no one seems to see upfront. Getting to work costs in gas money or travel fare. 9 out of 10, the daily costs of transportation is just about what it would cost for a home-based/online business in the start-up stages if you are building it organically. Wow! I know right!!! Here’s the thing… Some will argue well Chai, a check is guaranteed. So if you need a check that badly, work the job. But do not toss aside the business idea. Who is to say that it will not yield profit immediately? More so, at some point a business when tended right will surpass the check of your second job or even both.

3. Committment: I am not sure where people get the idea that being a worker or employee of a company suggests that there is no commitment. See that is the problem, the employees who thrive in any organization are those who are commited. The other side of commitment is, that your employer really has no commitment to you outside the terms in your contract and for many everyday workers that’s well, nothing. My question to you is would you rather work for a business that owes you nothing, or one that owes you everything, because well you are the backbone and foundation?

4. Freedom: Being an employee means that you work for someone, and that you have a boss. Being a business owner means you are the boss and have employees working for you. This can be downline in residual, and well actual contracted workers in other ventures.

5. The Scam Factor: Networking marketing. Afilliate marketing. Entrepreneurship. These are all scams. Yeah I said it. They are profitless and will cost lots to the person who has a dream but no action steps. To the person who signed on for the opportunity, but not the hustle. To the person who is a know it all, is not coachable and wants benefits without putting in work.

A friend of mine started a home-based business in 2012 and was faced with that same decision. Even though in her case, her business started to prosper. She decided to go with a second job. This is a decision she talks about and regrets to this day. Don’t be like my friend. Don’t let that be you.

For more tips visit or to connect with me.

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